Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. It's a few days late but the longer I wait to say so the less it will be Thanksgiving. I would guess that Thanksgiving lasts for these four days between Thursday and Sunday. Especially if you don't work on Friday and are around relatives for most of these days.

We went to Joy and Duane's house for Thanksgiving this year. [Reference my blog for some specifics.] Cyndi's parents came up for the holiday too. They came straight there from Melbourne. They stayed until Saturday. On Friday evening, Grandmother and Granddad came over to our house to have Thanksgiving leftovers. So there was another family gathering the following day. That day, we also put up some outside Christmas lights. There's also a photo of such on my blog. Ron was over most of the day that day and helped with the lights.

So for the past few days the routine has been out of the ordinary. And when you have the focal point of family and a holiday, that just makes the holiday seem more extended.

I heard that a lot of us were elsewhere for Thanksgiving. I hope you all had an enjoyable time with your respective family and friends. I have not had a Thanksgiving at home for many years now. It is getting familiar down here. The strange foods are not so strange anymore (though still not one's I would eat)! The people are whom I'm coming to expect and looking forward to see.

Happy Thanksgivng.

Love, Tim

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